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Surf Café
All the computers are endowed with WebCam and headphones; you can choose between Netscape and Explorer, Videomail, IPVoice, IRC, Aol, Compuserve, Instant Messenger and other internet softwares. It is possible to use softwares of video writing and spreadsheets like Word2000 and Excel.

The high speed surfing is guaranteed by a large-banded professional line. The staff gives a helpful personal assistance, in english and spanish.

The Surf café is open everyday from 7am to 2am except for mondays, and it includes also a cafè, the Mokita, where you can organize birthdays, parties, shows, concerts, cabarets, etc.

  • P.zza S. Martino 3, Cirie (TO)

American Stars
It is located inside a young and innovative place. It has the typical services of pubs (long drinks and aperitifs, music and snacks) with Web surfing, and it also gives you the opportunity to choose between Netscape and Explorer. In addition there, are Videomail, IPVoice, IRC, ICQ , Aol, Compuserve, Instant Messenger and other net's softwares.

  • Via Pietro Micca 3/a, Turin
  • Hours: Mon - Sat. 10am - 02am Sun. 12am - 02am

It. Politecnico is a welcoming and relaxing place, that stands near the Polytechnic institute of Turin. There, you can use a personal computer to surf the net, check your email, chat with your friends or find new ones in the many chat forums, write an e-mail or write your honor thesis and print it. Even here, computers are endowed with WebCam and headphones and you can choose between Netscape and Explorer, in addition there are also Videomail, IPVoice, mIRC, ICQ , Odigo , Aol, Compuserve, Instant Messenger and other web softwares.

It is possible to use softwares of video writing and spreadsheets like StarOffice, Word2000 and Excel. The staff gives you a helpful personal assistence in english, and the net surfing is guaranteed by an optical fiber line of 10Mbit/s.

  • Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 11pm, Sat 10am - 11pm, Sun 3pm - 8pm
  • Via Monginevro 3/a, Turin

Cinema Store
Also here every computer is endowed with WebCam and headphones, the choice between Netscape and Explorer, Videomail, IPVoice, IRC, ICQ , Aol, Compuserve, Instant Messenger and other net softwares, Word2000 and Excel. The high speed surfing is guaranteed by a large-banded professional line and the staff speaks english and spanish.

  • Hoursi: Mon - Sat 10am - 11pm, Sun 12am - 8pm
  • via Bibbiana 110, Turin

High speed surfing with the large-banded professional line, use of softwares like Word2000 and Excel, assistance in english and spanish.

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