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The Climate

Piemonte is equally far from the North Pole and from the equator: therefore it has continental climate, but every season and according to the areas, it can change very much.

The climates that we find in the region of Piemonte are essentially three: the alpine climate, the climate of the pianura padana area and the peripheral-submontane climate.

By the way, the region is closed to the sea influences, generally there's a continental climate, with either daily or yearly strong ranges. This is the typical climate of the city of Turin: winters are cold and dry, summers are fresh on the mountains and on the hills, and rather hot in the plain. In winter and autumn months, a dull fog is often present in the plain.

Regarding the temperature, Piemonte can be divided into two wide areas: the Alps area, in which the average yearly temperature varies between 0°C and 11° C, and the plain area, in which the average yearly temperature varies between 11°C and 13°C.

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